Saturday, December 22, 2007

Happy Holidays

As 2007 comes to a close I would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday season and a very happy and prosperous New Year.
I would also like to say that without dreams we would have nothing. Dreams are what we see all around us. If we dream it, it can be accomplished. If we feel the desire, we can achieve anything.

These are just a few of my favorite great dreamers: Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Richard Branson, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Benjamin Franklin, and Henry Ford. There are many, many more.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Funding Your New Business

So you're thinking about creating a business of your own. A business which you enjoy doing and where you can be your own boss. There is a lot to think about and many preperations to make:
*type of business*type of products*location*brick and mortar or online business*customer service*shipping/Receiving*feasibility studies*number of employees*customer base*capital (How much will be required and where is it coming from?*advertising*etc., etc.
I went through the same thing. Everyone does when they decide they are tired of exchanging a period of time for a paycheck. It's called being an entreprenuer. Taking a chance it will all come together and you will become successful.
There are a lot of statistics around which suggest between 70% to 80% of new businesses will fail in their first five years. A lot does depend on the industry and other varying factors, but the indication is that the odds are against you.
Capital funding seems to be the biggest headache for most small businesses. Especially for getting through slow periods.
There is a way to find the capital you need without having to use banks and other lending sources. Raise the funds yourself! No loans to repay. Ever!
Have I got your attention yet?
Click here to view more details

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Learn To Use Your Whitelist and Address Book

I can't even begin to tell you the number of undeliverable or blocked email messages I receive daily where someone has requested information about this or that and my information could not get to them. It's highly aggravating to say the least.
Due to the number of emails I receive I can't possibly answer them all myself, or individually anyway. That is why I use auto-responder systems. They make life so much easier!
In case you don't know what an auto-responder is, it is a software system which will send out replies to incoming email responses people submit. They work similar to the vacation response settings on Gmail and other email clients as well. You write a message which tells people what you want them to know when you are away. When your email system gets a delivery it will automatically reply to the sender with the pre-written message.
Spam, which is unsolicited email, became and still is so much of a problem that major vendors of email accounts added spam blockers to their customers accounts. A lot of people are not even aware of how to change the settings, use a whitelist, and don't think to save important addresses they might have requested information from. Important incoming email may get sent directly to their spam box. If it is not checked most free accounts will automatically delete trash and spam boxes after a certain period.
What happens when all of this takes place? To someone who makes a living on the Internet, we lose potential prospects, potential sales, clients, members etc. The biggest issue is that our business is invalidated. When someone wants information and they don't receive it, whether because of spam blockers or not, our businesses don't just lose customers and sales, we lose a bit of respect. We were depended on and we failed. At least that's the way it's perceived. The lost business moves on to another source.
Most name brand free email accounts today (I won't mention any names) come already setup with the spam blocker on. Personally I think this is an injustice to the honest Internet marketers, those of us who do not spam to earn a living.
I own an online gift shop,among other things. Most of my business is seasonal and each fall I lose sales when we have our big Fall Blowout sale if customers don't include our stores email address in their whitelist or address book. Even though they have signed up to have our sales fliers sent to them, they will probably not see them if they receive a torrent of spam. The fliers will end up mixed in with the spam and be deleted because they are too overwhelming to go through. So the entire lot gets deleted.
All of this can be remedied by just adding the email address of businesses you have or may request information from to your address book or your email clients whitelist.
If you have a business be sure to include a short message at the bottom of your advertisements letting your customers know to add your address to their address book or whitelist. That doesn't guarantee anything, but it sure will help.

The distance of the road to success becomes shorter as soon as you take the first step.